Win some of the best big game hunt permits in Alaska!

*NEW* “Hunter’s Choice” permits for four species!

 Raffle closed on April 22, 2024.

Winners announced on May 3, 2024.


One winner selected per big game species (7 winners total). Each winner will receive a hunt permit, a complimentary Alaska hunting license, locking tag (if needed) and $5,000!

Ticket Prices:

1 Ticket for $20

7 Tickets for $100

40 Tickets for $500

100 tickets for $1,000

The big game hunt winners will be drawn using the WooCommerce Raffle plug in. All entrants will receive ticket numbers with their purchase. The winners for each of the 7 raffles will be announced to the public at noon on Friday, May 3, 2024, on our website and social media channels. Winners will likely receive a personal phone call and email from staff just prior to noon from a 907 area code.

Proceeds from the 2023/24 Super 7 Big Game Raffle will benefit Alaska Department of Fish and Game wildlife conservation and education programs, as well as programs run through the seven non-profit partners involved in the raffle. Thank you for your contribution towards the conservation of Alaska’s wildlife populations!