Copper River Boat

Want to fund wildlife conservation while trying to win some of alaska’s best hunt permits?

Look no further than this amazing raffle, run collaboratively among the Alaska Department of Fish and Game and 7 partner organizations. These organizations include the Alaska Wild Sheep Foundation, Kenai Peninsula Chapter of Safari Club International, Outdoor Heritage Foundation of Alaska, Alaska Professional Hunters Association, Alaska Outdoor Council, the Alaskan Bowhunters Association, and the Alaska Trappers Association. Learn more about our partners here!

As part of Alaska’s Governor’s Big Game permit program, this raffle aims to increase revenue to Alaska’s Fish and Game Fund. This fund is used to match federal Pittman-Robertson Wildlife Restoration Program funds, and leads to increased monies available for wildlife conservation and management programs. Aside from increasing funds to the Fish and Game Fund, each partner organization receives 4.29% of raffle revenue (equivalent to 30% across all). These funds pay for many local conservation, humanitarian, education and wildlife research projects in Alaska communities. Your ticket purchase helps immensely with our statewide wildlife conservation and education efforts and helps us continue our hunting heritage in Alaska.

From all the partners involved, thank you for your contribution!